čtvrtek, 03 duben 2014 13:20

50 Cent o svých bývalých členech jeho G-Unit: "Někteří lidé jsou jako mléko, mají svojí dobu trvanlivosti"

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50 Cent nedávno podal vysvětlení, proč skončil s bývalými členy G-Unit, Tony Yayoem a Lloyd Banksem. Je to zajímavé interview už především proto, že je poněkud kontroverzní a může ovlivnit poptávku k jeho albu "Animal Ambition".

“Some people, they’re like milk,” říká 50 Cent v interview pro The Breakfast Club. "They have an expiration date and no matter what you do, they’ll spoil after a while.”


Zvláště v případě Tony Yaya, 50 Cent říká, že jeho bývalý parťák se nikam neposunul. “I’ve done a lot for him to the point that being personable with people they’ll feel like that homeboy code, guy code type of energy,” říká 50 Cent, který se také zmínil, že Tony Yaya propracoval do videií jako k třeba k tracku "Hold On."


50 Cent: "They’ll be like, ‘You know what? You got it so you should give it to me,’ versus what makes sense. If you don’t sustain your value in the marketplace, I got to pay you the market rate.”


Nazvodry pádu a rozkolu "staré" G-Unit, 50 Cent to obhajuje tím, že potřeboval zhodnotit jeho rozhodnutí, aby věděl, jak postupovat dál.

“I do have to take a look at myself, in Banks’ case, I could be considered a little insensitive at some points because I didn’t have those different things in my life. When his father passed, he went home and he just was like, he crossed his arms and was like just there until I came to get him. Then you heard ‘Beamer, Benz or Bentley.’”


50 Cent také něco málo řekl o "evoluci" Puff Daddyho dále v interview pro Breakfast Club.


“Puff is an excellent entertainer, not an artist, he can say his lyrics. He didn’t write it. He’s not going to convince any of us that he wrote it. It was a part of his actual marketing. ‘Don’t worry ‘bout if I write rhymes. I write checks.’ For me, I look at it and I go, ‘OK. But now you can’t tell us that you singing the song like that, ‘cause that’s why we got rid of Milli Vanilli.’ We cross the lines, it get really interesting. We said that wasn’t cool. Now we’re saying it’s cool.”


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